Upcoming biweekly talks: Special event talks at SPIE Optifab
WEDNESDAY, October 16, 2013 - 7:00 p.m.
at Rochester Convention Center, Main Conference Room, Highland A,B,K,J
Sponsorship of the talk by ImmerVision is gratefully acknowledged!
Optics that Enhance Movies and Television, and Your Own Home Productions

Ira Tiffen, Schneider Optics
Insights into the optical filters that have made many of the iconic images of the past forty years possible. From Diffusion effects that can extend a star’s career by eliminating undesirable facial details to Polarizers that can capture important image details that are otherwise unobtainable, Ira Tiffen of Schneider Optics explains key elements of the optical filters behind the scenes of major motion picture and television productions and actually encourages you to “try this at home.”
Ira Tiffen is Vice-President of the Motion Picture and Television Filter Division of Schneider Optics, Inc. In 2004, he left the Tiffen Company after more than thirty years of filter innovation. His work there has earned him industry recognition in the form of a Technical Achievement Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, as well as a Prime-Time Emmy Award, from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. An inventor, he holds several patents on photographic accessories. He is the author of the filter section of the American Cinematographer Manual, the reference ‘bible’ for Directors of Photography worldwide. He has been an associate member of the American Society of Cinematographers, since 1992; and was elected a Fellow of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers in 2002.
Fabrication and Testing of Mirrors for Giant Telescopes

Jim Burge, University of Arizona
New astronomical telescopes are being developed that achieve giant steps in resolution, sensitivity, and field of view. These telescopes are made possible by advances in fabrication and testing technologies for large, steep mirrors. The 25 mtr Giant Magellan Telescope uses an array of 8.4 mtr lightweight mirrors from the University of Arizona. The 8.4 mtr Large Synoptic Survey Telescope also uses UA mirrors and uses a 3-mirror design to achieve 3.5° field of view. The 4 mtr Advanced Technology Solar Telescope uses an un-obscured design with off-axis f/0.7 primary mirror. The Thirty Meter Telescope and European Extremely Large Telescope both use primary mirrors made from hundreds of 1.4 mtr hexagonal segments. This talk will summarize these exciting new projects and will show how the manufacturing technologies enable new classes of telescopes.
Jim Burge is Professor of Optical Sciences and Astronomy at University of Arizona where he leads a team of scientists, engineers, and students that push the state of the art in fabrication and testing technologies and apply them for manufacturing challenging mirrors and optical systems. Dr. Burge also leads the Optomechanical Engineering effort at the University of Arizona and has leadership roles for two private companies in Tucson -- Chief Technology Officer of Arizona Optical Systems and President of Arizona Optical Metrology.