Oculi Enables 600x Reduction in Latency-Energy Factor for Visual Intelligence At The Edge by Moving Sensors from Imaging to Vision
Dr. Charbel Rizk - Founder CEO at Oculi

In recent times, notable progress has been achieved in the field of artificial intelligence, particularly in the extensive use of deep neural networks. These advancements have limited value to edge applications where most of the action happens and the data is generated. The next revolution in technology isn’t “ChatGPT”. It is when we have sufficient intelligence at the edge, particularly visual intelligence, to enable a natural and efficient interactions and interfaces
between the physical and the virtual world. This is the mission, purpose, and value proposition of Oculi, a new and proud member of the Rochester tech community. Oculi is simply putting the “eye” in AI.
The OCULI SPU represents an intelligent, programmable vision sensor capable of being dynamically configured to output select data in various modes. These modes include images or video, polarity events, smart events, and actionable information. Moreover, the SPU allows realtime programmability of spatial and temporal resolution, as well as dynamic range and bit depth. By enabling continuous optimization, computer/machine vision solutions deploying the OCULI SPU, in lieu of unintelligent imaging sensors, can reduce the latency-energy factor by more than 600x at a fraction of the cost.
This presentation will provide an overview of Oculi’s novel vision architecture for edge applications. It will also include key results for latency and energy results for multiple use cases of interest such as presence/people/pedestrian/object, face, hand, and eye detection. The talk will also include a call for innovation and potential collaboration with the optics and photonics community. Oculi technology is enabling part of the optimal solution but the ultimate goal of delivering BionicVisionTM requires more innovation!
About the speaker
Dr. Rizk is the Founder CEO of Oculi, winner of the Luminate 2023 Competition, previously Associate Research Professor at Johns Hopkins ECE and Principal Professional Staff at JHU APL. He has been recognized as a top innovator, thought leader, and successful Principal Investigator / S&T manager. He's been a pioneer in developing a new architecture for artificial vision that combines the best of both worlds: the efficiency of biology and the speed of machines. Dr. Rizk has successfully collaborated with various FFRDC’s, government labs, academia, and industry of various sizes. He is a senior member of IEEE, AIAA, and a member of AUVSI, and OSA.
Parking and location
The talk will be held in the Room 101 of Goergen Hall (Institute of Optics, 480 Intercampus Drive). Parking is available in the lot across the street in Intercampus Drive Lot, and is free for talk attendees (no pass needed).
Pre-talk dinner
TBD: A pre-talk dinner will be held at the King and I Thailand Cuisine at 5:15 pm on 12/5 located at
1455 East Henrietta Rd, Rochester, NY 14623. If you would like to attend, please contact the house committee by email to make reservations. Email: house@opticarochester.org