Abstract: Holography is an efficient, multiplex method of acquiring phase across a whole image. I report on the marriage of holography and scanning microscopy, a new development that improves the speed of micro and nanooptical imaging by orders of magnitude while simplifying the experiment. I will show the method applied to scanning near-field microscopy with 10nm resolution and confocal imaging with subcellular resolution. We demonstrate coherent post-processing including refocusing.
Bio: P. Scott Carney has served as the Director of The Institute of Optics since July 2017. He holds a PhD in Physics (1999) from the University of Rochester and a bachelors degree in Engineering Physics (1994) from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He was faculty at ECE Illinois 2001-2017. Scott has a strong commitment to teaching excellence. He is active in the optics community primarily through the OSA as a journal editor and meeting organizer. He is an entrepreneur and cofounder of Diagnostic Photonics, Inc. His research interests include computed imaging, spectroscopy, and coherence theory.